Friday, November 18, 2016

The Friend of God

What did Abraham do to be called the friend of God?

Vayera (וירא | He appeared)
Torah: Genesis 18:1-22:24
Haftarah: 2 Kings 4:1-37
Gospel: Luke 2:1-38

Yea, Yitzchak

(Genesis 22:2)
Marcheshvan 17, 5777/November 18, 2016

Avraham avinu's (our patriarch Avraham) life was full of trials. G-d kept testing the limits of Avraham's faith in Him. Each test seemed to push Avraham one step further, ultimately culminating in the great test of the binding of Yitzchak. Why was G-d testing Avraham? Was He expecting Avraham to fail? Or to take a stand and say "No further, G-d. I refuse to be submitted to yet another test?"

Avraham, on the other hand, often questioned G-d's actions, or expressed some doubt as to the viability of G-d's promises to him. Avraham argued with G-d , albeit with great deference, over the fate of the inhabitants of Sodom. Avraham asked G-d more than once if he will ever have children and proposed his servant Eliezer as his heir to the inheritance G-d promised him, despite G-d's steady insistence that Avraham would indeed have progeny.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

All Things Created for Him

Though millions of men and women filled the world, God chose one man. Why did God choose Abraham? The rabbis say that he chose him as the rock on which to build the world.

Lech Lecha (לך לך | Go forth)
Torah: Genesis 12:1-17:27
Haftarah: Isaiah 40:27-41:16
Gospel: Matthew 1:1-17

Friday, November 4, 2016

Man of the earth

(Genesis 9:20)
Marcheshvan 3, 5777/November 4, 2016

Noach is referred to by Torah as "a righteous man," "pure in his generations," (Genesis 6:9) and later, as "a man of the earth." (ibid 9:20) Righteous and pure are obvious praises of Noach's moral stature. In a generation characterized by Torah as thoroughly depraved and riddled by decadence, (and later described by our sages as the absolute most evil generation in all history), Noach's righteousness and purity shone like a beacon that, alas, not one among his contemporaries was willing to honor or heed.

The Door in the Ark

God commanded Noah to place a door on the side of the ark. In Chasidic teaching, the door in the ark symbolizes repentance.

Noach (נח | Noah)
Torah: Genesis 6:9-11:32
Haftarah: Isaiah 54:1-55:5
Gospel: Luke 1:5-80