Rosh Hashanah
When Adam first opened his eyes and human consciousness
was born, he immediately understood that the God had created all things,
including himself. According to midrash, Adam's first words were, יהוה מֶלֶךְ עוֹלָם
וָעֶד / Adonai malakh olam va'ed: "The LORD is King for ever and
ever." God then said, "Now the whole world will know that I am
King," and He was very pleased. This was the "tov me'od" (טוֹב מְאד)
moment of creation, when God saw all that He had made "and found it very
good" (Gen. 1:31). The birthday of humanity is therefore the Coronation
Day for the King of the Universe. According to Jewish tradition, this date
represents Rosh Hashanah, or the "head of the year" for humanity,
when God began to rule as King over the universe He created.