Yitro (יתרו | Jethro)
Torah: Exodus 18:1-20:23
Haftarah: Isaiah 6:1-7:6, 9:5-6
Gospel: Matthew 6:1-8:1
Tevet 20, 5776/January 1, 2016
"Not so is My servant Moshe; he is faithful throughout My house." (Numbers 12:7) These words, spoken by G-d , describing His prophet Moshe, are delivered at some point during Israel's forty year sojourn in the desert. G-d's praise for Moshe couldn't be greater: "My servant... faithful... My house..." G-d is testifying to His complete confidence in Mosheand to the depth of their intimacy. But when did this relationship begin? G-d first speaks to Moshe at the burning bush revealing His plan to liberate and redeem Israel, but Mosheis more than a little evasive in responding. He shows reluctance, skepticism, perhaps even pessimism: Who am I? why should Israel believe me? What should I tell them? What sign of proof will they accept? Why should Pharaoh believe me? Who are You? Who should I say sent me? Our sages learn from a careful reading of the Hebrew verse,"Moshe said to HaShem, 'I beseech You, HaShem. I am not a man of words, neither from yesterday nor from the day before yesterday, nor from the time You have spoken to Your servant, for I am heavy of mouth and heavy of tongue,'" (Exodus 4:10) thatMoshe actually argued with G-d for seven whole days at the burning bush before finally relenting! He demanded G-d's name, he demanded signs, he demanded a spokesman, he demanded a plan. G-d delivered to Moshe all these things, but Moshe was not an easy sale. Even later, when he saw the initial results of his first meeting with Pharaoh, Pharaoh's arrogance and the imposition of greater hardships on the children of Israel,Moshe returned to G-d with a searing question: "HaShem! Why have You harmed this people? Why have You sent me?" (ibid 5:22)