(Leviticus 6:2)
Nisan 11, 5777/April 7, 2017
This week's Torah reading, Tzav, deals in its entirety, with detailed instructions for performing the Temple offerings. "And HaShem spoke to Moshe, saying, command (tzav) Aharon and his sons, saying, this is the law of the burnt offering... " (Leviticus 6:1-2) All the manifold commandments conveyed in parashat Tzav concerning the offerings are directed toward Aharon and his sons, the kohanim (Temple priests). The entire parasha of dos and don'ts ostensibly don't concern all of us who are not the sons of Aharon. Nevertheless, Torah insists on sharing with us all these technical details, and for thousands of years, even after the destruction of the Holy Temple, we study and internalize these commandments, just as we study and internalize all the commandments and teachings which Torah encompasses and reveals to us anew each time we approach it.