(Deuteronomy 33:1)
Tishrei 19, 5779/September 28, 2018
"And this is the blessing with which Moshe, the man of G-d, blessed the children of Israel just before his death." (Deuteronmy 33:1)
Thus begins the final Torah reading of the Five Books of Moses, known as V'zot Habrachah, which we will be reading in synagogues throughout the world on Monday morning, which is the holiday of Shmini Atzeret, also known as Simchat Torah. (In diaspora communities Simchat Torah will be celebrated on Tuesday.)
This Shabbat, which falls on the sixth day of the seven day Sukkot festival, we will be reading Torah selections which are relevant to Sukkot. Nevertheless, the Torah reading of V'zot Habrachah is very much a part of the message of Sukkot. V'zot Habrachah records the final act of Moshe, just before he ascends Mount Nevo, where he peers into the promised land that he will never enter into, breathes his last breath, and is buried in the valley below, in an unknown grave.