(Numbers 24:6)
Tammuz 16, 5775/July 3, 2015
After the surrounding nations failed to subdue Israel militarily, the international community of the ancient Middle East, still intent on keeping the young nation of Israel out of its land, had to come up with something, and employing a master spell-caster seemed as good an idea as any. Of course, we are referring to this week's Torah reading of Balak.My, how things have not changed! From the 1940's through the 1970's, the nations surrounding Israel failed to subdue her militarily, and eliminate her, so they adopted a new/old tactic: to curse Israel. To deligitimize and dehumanize Israel, to isolate and humiliate Israel, to transform Israel into a pariah state, and evil entity. The campaign today has reached a fever pitch, and under the paternal eye of Israel's erstwhile "peace" partner, the ill-conceived "Palestinian Authority," the battle is on, once again, to eliminate "this assembly," this "people" Israel. (Numbers 22:4-5)