Toldot (תולדות | Family
Torah: Genesis 25:19-28:9
Haftarah: Malachi 1:1-2:7
Gospel: Luke 3:1-18
Philistine Apologies
The LORD prospered Isaac
while he dwelt in the Philistine territory, but that prosperity incited the
jealousy of the Philistines who drove him out. Isaac returned to the arid soil
of the Negev, where his father, Abraham, had dwelt. There he found that his
father's wells had been filled in by the Philistines. Isaac reopened the wells,
but each time he did, the Philistines came, claiming the well as their own.
Rather than fight with the Philistines, each time it happened, Isaac moved on
and attempted to open a new well.
Who then among you is
noble-minded? Who is compassionate? Who is full of love? Let him declare,
"If sedition and disagreement and schisms have arisen because of me, I
will depart, I will go wherever you want, and I will do whatever the majority
commands; only let the flock of Messiah live peacefully with the elders set
over it." He that acts in this way will acquire for himself great glory in
the Lord; and every place will welcome him. For "the earth is the Lord's,
and the fullness thereof." This is the way that those who live a godly
life ... have done and always will do things. (1 Clement 54)
When we are pushed by
others, our tendency is to push back and demand our rights. Rarely do we see
someone turn the other cheek. Even among disciples of Yeshua, it is rare to see
someone back down from a slight or injury.
Isaac and his servants were
busy opening another well when Abimelech and his men showed up. Here we go
again, Isaac must have thought. To his astonishment, though, the Philistines
did not claim his well this time. Instead they announced a reversal of policy
and asked for a covenant-truce with Isaac.
Why the sudden change in
attitude? The Philistines explained, "We see plainly that the LORD has
been with you" (Genesis 26:28). The testimony of Isaac's life had an
impact on them. They saw that God was with him. Perhaps they noticed that he conducted
himself in a godly manner, and they felt ashamed.
Things would probably have
been different if Isaac had quarreled and fought for his wells. His testimony
of peace would have been compromised. He might have been able to keep his
wells, but he would have earned lifelong enemies.
The Philistines claimed,
"We have not touched you and have done to you nothing but good and have
sent you away in peace" (Genesis 26:29). They asked Isaac for a covenant
of peace on that basis. Isaac must have had to bite his tongue. Nothing but
good? Sent me away in peace? Weren't these the same Philistines who had driven
him out their territory? Weren't they the same Philistines who had pursued him
into the Negev and took away his wells? How could they say they had done
nothing but good?
Actually, this was how the
Philistines apologized for the evil they had done to him and for sending him
away in strife. Some people cannot apologize properly. Their ego prevents them
from ever admitting any wrong on their own part. Deep inside, such a person
knows that he is at fault and that he needs to make some sort of conciliatory
effort, but an apology is not even a remote possibility. His pride forbids him.
Isaac was willing to
overlook the foolish pride of the Philistines in order to make peace with them.
So too we should accept even half-hearted attempts at reconciliation. We should
not demand a formal apology. Instead we should be willing to take whatever
modicum of peace our adversary offers.
-First Fruits of Zion
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