Vayikra (ויקרא | And he called)
Torah: Leviticus 1:1-5:26
Haftarah: Isaiah 43:21-44:23
Gospel: Mark 7:1-30
* Special readings for Shabbat Zachor are applicable this
Shabbat Zachor (זכור | Remember)
* Maftir: Deuteronomy 25:17-19
* Haftarah: 1 Samuel 15:1-34
A Soothing Aroma
As the Torah describes the sacrificial service, it says
that when the smoke of the offering rises to heaven, it will be a
"soothing aroma to the LORD" (Leviticus 1:9). Rashi interprets the
"soothing aroma" as a metaphor for man's obedience. He explains that
the aroma of the sacrifice is pleasing to the LORD because it is a token of His
children's obedience. When God "smells" the sacrifice, He delights in
the human being who has gone to such effort to draw close to Him.
Regardless of how we understand it, the Torah is clear
that God takes delight in the sacrifices. He graciously accepts the gifts of
His people, and the smoke that rises from the altar fires is as a soothing
aroma to Him.
This seems difficult to reconcile with many statements in
the prophets where God speaks out against the sacrifices. For example, in the
book of Isaiah He says, "I have had enough of burnt offerings of rams and
the fat of fed cattle; and I take no pleasure in the blood of bulls, lambs or
goats ... bring your worthless offerings no longer" (Isaiah 1:11-13).
Likewise, in the book of Jeremiah He says, "Your burnt offerings are not
acceptable and your sacrifices are not pleasing to Me" (Jeremiah 6:20). In
the book of Malachi He says, "[If only] you might not uselessly kindle
fire on My altar ... nor will I accept an offering from you" (Malachi
In the early days of Christianity, the church fathers
often cited texts like these to try to prove that God had never wanted the
sacrificial system. Some used these and similar passages to suggest that God
had given the sacrifices to the Jews as a punishment. They argued against the
Jewish people, claiming that Jesus had done away with the sacrifices because
God had always hated them.
That does not make sense. If God always hated the
sacrifices, why did He command the children of Israel to bring them in the
first place? Why did He state over and over that He was pleased with them?
A better explanation comes from a more careful reading of
the prophets. When the prophets seem to speak against the sacrificial system,
they are not condemning the mode of worship, they are condemning the
worshippers. In every instance the prophetic rebuke is directed toward the
immoral, disobedient people among the Israelites who were violating the
covenant of Torah while continuing to go through the motions of the sacrificial
system. Though their hearts were far from God, they continued to perform their
religious rituals.
This can be compared to a wicked womanizer who beats his
wife and cheats on her but continues to faithfully attend church every Sunday
and take communion with the rest of the congregation. The religious ritual is
meaningless and an insult to God. Or suppose the same fellow, after beating his
wife and cheating on her, dutifully sends her a bouquet of roses. Would she be
pleased to receive the flowers? Hardly. She would say, "Your flowers are
an abomination to me!" In the same way, God hates religious rituals when
they are performed hypocritically.
These lessons should be a warning to all of us. We must
be careful not to develop any sense of right standing with God because of
ritual observances. God is interested in the state of our hearts. Our outward
rituals should reflect our inward conditions.
-First Fruits of Zion
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