Tazria (תזריע
| She will conceive)
Torah: Leviticus 12:1-13:59
Haftarah: 2 Kings 4:42-5:19
Gospel: Mark 9:14-50
* Special readings for Shabbat HaChodesh are applicable this
Shabbat HaChodesh (החדש
| The Month)
* Maftir: Exodus 12:1-20
* Haftarah: Ezekiel 45:16-46:18
The Miracle of Life
The name of the twenty-seventh reading from the Torah is
Tazria (תזריע), which
means “she conceived.” The name is derived from the words of Leviticus 12:2,
where the LORD says to Moses, “When a woman [conceives] and bears a male
child.” Leviticus 12 discusses the laws of purification after childbirth.
Speak to the sons of Israel, saying: “When a woman gives
birth …” (Leviticus 12:2)
The birth of a child is a holy and wonderful thing. Every
time a baby is born, the birthing brings to light a small incarnation. Every
baby is an immortal soul housed in garments of flesh. A baby comes into the
world in the image of God. Life springs forth from life.
In some cases, the miracle is more obvious than in others. A
Christian acquaintance of my wife was having a baby when complications
occurred. The baby was in the wrong position in the birth canal, and the
doctors grew concerned. They listened carefully to the heart monitor as the
birth progressed, but sadly, the fluttering heartbeat tapered off and stopped.
An hour later, the baby girl was stillborn. The doctor set the lifeless body
aside, and mother and father were crushed. In the midst of her tears, the
mother saw the baby’s leg move. She pointed it out to the staff, but the
doctors explained that these were simply reflexive muscle movements. A few
moments later, the baby gasped, coughed, and gasped again. Suddenly the
hospital staff went into an emergency frenzy as they began resuscitation of the
little girl. The child is fine today.
Not every story has a happy ending like that. There are few
things more sober and heartrending than a pregnancy that ends prematurely or a
baby born into this world only to pass on to the next world. We can’t explain
why things like that happen, but it is possible that some souls are so pure and
burn so hot that they quickly return to the flame that first gave them life.
The laws of the Torah ensured that, in the days of the
Tabernacle, the amazing miracle of birth would not be treated as something
mundane. God cordoned off childbirth with holy laws that gave the new mother a
special status. The sacrifices after childbirth remind us that the act of
giving birth is itself a miraculous encounter with the Divine. It is not to be
regarded as just ordinary life. Instead, the Torah grants the event sanctity
and significance by requiring sacrifices. The new baby is a gift from God, and
the mother naturally wants to reciprocate with a gift. She brings a burnt
offering and a sin offering as her gifts to God, who blessed her with a child.
-First Fruits of Zion
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