Va'etchanan (ואתחנן | I
Torah: Deuteronomy 3:23-7:11
Haftarah: Isaiah 40:1-26
Gospel: Luke 22:13-38
A special portion for
Shabbat Nachamu is read this Shabbat!
Shabbat Nachamu (שבת נחמו |
Sabbath of comforting)
Haftarah: Isaiah 40:1-26
Honor Your Father and Mother
The Torah tells us to honor
our parents. Jewish tradition teaches that, at the very least, this means
making sure that our parents are provided for in their old age. The spirit of
the law, however, asks us to treat our parents with profound respect:
Honor your father and your
mother, as the LORD your God has commanded you, that your days may be prolonged
and that it may go well with you on the land which the LORD your God gives you.
(Deuteronomy 5:16)
In the modern world, youth
counter-cultures have learned to find their own identity by defining themselves
in antithesis to the previous generation. Whole generations of human beings are
raised to believe that disrespect for parents and disdain for their
expectations is the normal and healthy path to individuality and adulthood.
It is not uncommon to hear
young people today speak back to their parents, argue with them publicly or
reply to them with sarcasm or open exasperation. For believers, this is not
acceptable. Our young people need to realize that even contradicting their
parents is taboo. Public impertinence toward parents is a grievous sin.
Popular culture portrays it
as cool for children and teens to appear autonomous and on a peer level with
their parents. Secular teens hate being seen in public with their parents, and
accepting parental authority hampers the perception of their coolness. The
Bible would call "coolness" pride and haughtiness.
Parents also have a
responsibility around this commandment. They need to be careful not to raise
disrespectful children who will find it difficult to keep the commandment of
honoring them. A parent should not grant any allowance for disrespect.
However, a father cannot
teach his child to honor him by demanding honor. Neither can a mother teach her
child to honor her by demanding to be honored. Instead, we teach our children
to honor us by honoring our own parents and by honoring our spouses.
A parent must never take
sides with a child against the other parent. If you feel that your spouse is
wrong, take your spouse's side anyway. Do not contradict your spouse in front
of the children. Disagreements with a spouse should never be spoken in the hearing
of the children.
When your child treats your
spouse with disrespect, it is your job to rebuke the child on behalf of your
spouse: "Do not speak to your father that way." "Never speak to
your mother like that."
When a child observes his
mother honor his father and vice versa, the child learns the art of honoring
father and mother. Only the mother can properly teach a child to honor the
father. Only the father can properly teach a child to honor the mother.
-First Fruits of Zion
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