Yom Kippur (יום כיפור | Day of Atonement)
Torah: Leviticus 16
Haftarah: Isaiah 57:14-58:14
Judgement Day
The high holidays of Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur foreshadow
the last days and the final judgment. Yom Kippur comes just ten days after Rosh
HaShanah, the day on which the Torah commands the blowing of the shofar. The
blowing of the shofar on Rosh HaShanah warns the congregation to repent because
the days of judgment have begun. The fanfare of Rosh HaShanah sets the scene
for the Day of Judgment in the heavenly courtroom.
When the shofar sounds on Rosh HaShanah, the doors to
heaven swing open. The officers of the heavenly courtroom assemble and court is
convened. The Judge takes His seat upon His throne and the books of judgment
are brought forth (Daniel 7:9–10).
The Torah says:
This shall be a permanent statute for you: in the seventh
month, on the tenth day of the month, you shall humble your souls and not do
any work, whether the native, or the alien who sojourns among you. (Leviticus
The books of judgment consist of the Book of Life, the
Book of Death, and the Book of the Inbetween. For ten days, the heavenly court
conducts the trial of every soul. At the conclusion, on the Day of Atonement,
every name receives an inscription in either the Book of Life or in the Book of
Death. Those recorded in the Book of Life will live another year. Those
recorded in the Book of Death will not live to see another Day of Atonement.
In the heavenly courtroom, the devil plays the role of
prosecutor. Satan (שטן) is Hebrew for “adversary.” The satan is “the accuser of
our brethren” (Revelation 12:10). He presents a list of every person’s sins to
the court.
At the end of Yom Kippur, the Judge pronounces the
verdicts and seals them. The books are closed. The gavel falls. Judgment is
finished. One last shofar blows in heaven and the gates close for another year.
When believers first encounter the idea of Yom Kippur as
an annual judgment day, they often misconstrue the meaning by placing upon it
the weight of eternal destiny. Believers suppose that the tradition about the
heavenly court has damnation in view, as if the court considers whether or not
to damn each individual soul. When seen through this perspective, believers
quickly discard the entire tradition on the basis that “there is now no
condemnation for those who are in Messiah Yeshua” (Romans 8:1).
The traditional, high-holiday, heavenly courtroom
scenario is not supposed to be imagined as the final judgment. Instead, those
who are written in the Book of Life are simply granted another year of life on
earth. The rabbinic tradition on this matter says nothing about the eternal
destiny of their souls, although, being in the Book of Death might usher
someone to final judgment a little quicker.
Sometimes believers are reluctant to participate in the
confessions, prayers, and petitions of the Day of Atonement because they feel
that they have already received forgiveness as an accomplished fact and to ask
for forgiveness somehow fails to acknowledge the work of Yeshua. It is true
that we find the forgiveness of sins through the grace of Messiah, but that
does not absolve us from repentance and contrition. Believers should not object
to repenting, fasting, and offering prayers for mercy and forgiveness as if our
forgiveness is a foregone conclusion. The Master teaches us to fast, to pray,
to confess sin, to forgive others, and to beseech God for forgiveness. Even though
our salvation is assured in Messiah, we still face consequences for sin both in
this world and in the World to Come. The New Testament is filled with
admonitions to repent, confess sin, and pray for forgiveness.
-First Fruits of Zion
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