Ha'azinu (האזינו | Listen)
Torah: Deuteronomy
Haftarah: 2 Samuel 22:1-51
Gospel: John 20:26-21:25
Spiritually Flabby
Have you ever noticed how
difficult it is to lose weight but how easy it is to put it on? Spirituality
and godliness are not easier disciplines to master than weight loss.
Moses refers to Israel as
Jeshurun (Yeshurun, ישרון).
But Yeshurun grew fat and
kicked—you are grown fat, thick, and sleek—then he forsook God who made him,
and scorned the Rock of his salvation. (Deuteronomy 32:15)
Moses used the name Yeshurun
to contrast Israel's great spiritual potential with their fallen condition. It
is a word derived from the root yashar (ישר), which means to be
"upright." Yeshurun means "upright one," and the word is
used as a term of endearment for Israel. The people of God are to be morally
upright and straight before the LORD. The Greek (LXX) version of the Torah
translates the word as "beloved one." In the Song of Moses, however,
the term Yeshurun is used sarcastically to describe an apostate Israel that was
once upright but is no longer so.
Moses foretold that when the
children of Israel entered the land of Canaan, God would give them all the
bounty of the land. The people of Israel were destined to enjoy "the
produce of the field ... honey from the rock ... oil ... curds of cows, and
milk of the flock, with fat of lambs, and rams ... and goats, with the finest
of the wheat—and of the blood of grapes ... wine" (Deuteronomy 32:13-14).
Moses predicted that Israel's success in the land would result in apathy toward
God and a desire for materialism. All that good eating was going to spawn an
ungrateful and rebellious spirit. The Talmud says, "A full stomach leads
to sin."
Prosperity often places a
greater obstacle between us and God than poverty does. The poor man looks to
God for help continually. The prosperous man can find it easy to forget about
God. Perhaps this is why Yeshua teaches us, "Blessed are the poor in
spirit" (Matthew 5:3), which is to say, "Blessed are those who have
the humble attitude of a poor man."
The Song of Moses goes on to
portray Yeshurun, the upright one, as fat and slovenly—a reference to Israel's
fallen moral state. The image is like that of a former Olympic athlete who has
become rotund and lethargic.
Improvement and maintenance
in our spiritual lives requires daily effort and commitment. Backsliding
requires no effort at all. The moment we stop moving forward in our walk with
God, the flesh begins to pull us backward. This can be compared to a swimmer
who was swimming upstream. It took effort, but so long as he continued to swim,
he made steady progress. When he stopped to rest by floating in the water,
though, he immediately began to drift downstream. In only a short time, all his
progress was lost.
To stay spiritually in shape,
we need to press on every day. If we do, we will be upright, worthy of the name
Yeshurun. If we are spiritually lazy, though, and allow the flesh to rule us,
we will quickly become like the fat, flabby Yeshurun described in Deuteronomy
-First Fruits of Zion
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