(Leviticus 1:1)
Nisan 4, 5777/March 31, 2017
"Vayikra el Moshe - And He called to Moses" - this is how the book of Leviticus opens. Who called to Moshe, and where? This we learn as the verse continues, "and HaShem spoke to him from the Tent of Meeting, saying... " Twice before G-d prefaced His words to Moshe with a call for his attention. Once was at the burning bush, and once was after Israel had encamped at Sinai. Wanting to inform Moshe as to what was about to occur, G-d called him and invited him to ascend the Mount so that he could coordinate with Moshe what would happen next. Each of these three "vayikra" moments preceded what would be life-changing paradigm shifts for Israel and for the world at large. Each time G-d first consulted, one-to-one, with Moshe.